Skirmish in the Horuz system

A brief engagement within the Horuz system took place in 0 BBY, following the Death Star's obliteration of the planet Despayre and its subsequent departure from the Horuz system.


The capture of the Frigate named Priam exposed the location of the Death Star's construction site as being in the Horuz system, nearby the prison planet Despayre. Consequently, two Alliance CR90 corvettes, together known as Ethar, were sent to the system for investigation. They discovered only the fragmented remains of Despayre, with no sign of the Death Star. However, Galactic Empire forces, remaining in the system anticipating the arrival of Rebel forces, successfully seized the corvettes.

The Conflict

An X-wing is hit during the battle

Captain Keyan Farlander of Red Squadron was selected to command a squadron of X-wings in support of the rescue and recapture operation, with rookie pilots Casal Marskan and Horodi serving as his wingmen. Additional Alliance forces arrived in the system soon after. While the X-wings of Red Squadron clashed with the Imperial gunboats, Blue Squadron and Gold Squadron Y-wings worked to disable the corvettes. Subsequently, the two Lambda-class shuttles named Rogue arrived in the system and successfully retrieved the corvettes. Ethar 1 and Ethar 2 eventually jumped into hyperspace and departed the system, back under Rebel control. All of Red Squadron's X-wings were destroyed during the engagement, but Captain Farlander managed to eject and was rescued.


The information gathered by the corvettes within the Horuz system revealed to the Rebel Alliance that the Death Star was fully functional and had moved on from Despayre to an unknown location.

