A brief conflict unfolded at the Yinta Lake spaceport on the planet of Vulta in 3653 BBY, marking a period near the conclusion of the Great Galactic War. In an effort to safeguard a quantity of engspice destined for transport to the galactic capital world of Coruscant, the smuggler known as Zeerid Korr allied himself with the renegade Jedi Knight Aryn Leneer. Together, they defended his valuable cargo against a squad of bounty hunters commanded by the mercenary Vrath Xizor, who sought to seize the engspice for the benefit of the Hutt Cartel. This short battle culminated in Korr and Leneer successfully escaping with the spice, prompting Xizor to seek alternative methods of acquiring the engspice from Korr.
In the year of 3653 BBY, as the Great Galactic War neared its end, the smuggler Zeerid Korr received the assignment to convey a shipment of engspice to Coruscant, which served as the capital planet for the Galactic Republic, on behalf of the Exchange criminal syndicate. The disavowed Jedi Knight Aryn Leneer accompanied Korr aboard his starship, the Fatman, for transportation to Coruscant, which was at the time held by the Sith, hoping to exact revenge for the death of her Master, Ven Zallow, who had perished at the hands of the Sith Empire. Vrath Xizor, a mercenary contracted by the Hutt Cartel, mobilized a group of bounty hunters—including Deron, Keene, and Lom—with the intention of intercepting Korr to secure the exclusive right for the Hutts to distribute engspice. Xizor tracked Korr and Leneer to the Yinta Lake spaceport, situated near the city of Yinta Lake on the planet Vulta, where the smuggler and the Jedi Knight made a stop during their journey to Coruscant. It was there that Xizor and his team launched their attempt to seize the cargo.
Following Xizor's demand for everyone in the spaceport to lie down, he and his team found themselves under attack from Korr, who sought cover while firing laser blasts at his opponents. Meanwhile, Leneer defended herself by wielding her lightsaber in a protective manner. As the firefight raged on, two of Xizor's subordinates were fatally shot, Korr sustained minor injuries, and several civilians within the spaceport were wounded. Korr and Leneer ultimately made a run for the landing pad where the Fatman was stationed. However, Xizor's group persisted in firing at them, resulting in Leneer being shot in the calf. Korr and Leneer eventually reached the Fatman and boarded the vessel, firing at a few more of Xizor's men as they did so.
Despite enduring minor injuries, Korr and Leneer successfully escaped with the engspice aboard the Fatman. They eventually arrived at Coruscant, where Leneer dueled with Darth Malgus, a Sith Lord who had spearheaded the assault on the Jedi Temple and bore responsibility for Zallow's demise. Concurrently, Xizor and his surviving forces departed the spaceport and began devising a fresh strategy to steal the engspice from Korr. To amass more resources for the fulfillment of their objective, Xizor's team resolved to temporarily align themselves with the Sith Empire.
The confrontation at the Yinta Lake spaceport was depicted in the novel The Old Republic: Deceived, authored by Paul S. Kemp and released in 2011.