The Skirmish on Sakuub, a notable incident, transpired in 44 ABY. During their honeymoon, Jaina Solo and Jagged Fel journeyed to Sakuub with the intention of finding a Sky Temple of Karsol, an aerial Jedi Temple located on the planet. Their purpose was to acquire a specific Jedi holocron believed to be instrumental in confronting Abeloth should she resurface. They enlisted the aid of Pharika, a Sakuubian guide, to assist in locating the temple. However, upon discovering the temple, Pharika betrayed them, revealing her affiliation with a clandestine organization also seeking the holocron. Despite her betrayal, the duo swiftly defeated her, after which her support ship eliminated her to ensure her silence. Subsequently, they engaged in combat with the support ship until a Hutt, fulfilling a prior obligation related to the Treaty of Vontor, intervened and destroyed the ship, thereby saving them.
Following their wedding, Jaina Solo arranged for their honeymoon to take place on Sakuub, deviating from Jagged Fel's original plan of visiting Hapes. Her stated rationale was to engage in hiking expeditions. However, during their voyage to the planet aboard a Horizon-class star yacht manufactured by SoruSuub, she later confessed that her true motivation stemmed from the discovery of a rumored ancient ruin on the planet, known as the Sky Temple of Karsol. To her knowledge, the Jedi had not explored it. She desired to ascertain whether it was a Jedi ruin or if it contained information pertaining to Abeloth's potential return. Furthermore, they adopted the pseudonyms Kara and Ven Tumak, respectively.

Upon their arrival at the antiquated hangar situated in Dular, the planet's primary city, they were greeted and given a tour of the Old Town, commencing with a visit to the marketplace. Subsequently, Dular left them in the Historical District to meet with Pharika at Shuku's Fine Fungi, promising to return in two hours to escort them back to their hotel.
Shortly before their rendezvous with Pharika, Jaina experienced a sense of foreboding and briefly shared her apprehension with Fel. Upon meeting Pharika, they proceeded to a clothing stall to select attire suitable for their hike. However, Jaina was once again overcome by the ominous sensation and turned to witness a Hutt suspiciously slithering into an alleyway. Fel also mentioned that he had observed a dune lizard at the port. Following this, they returned to their hotel, where she elaborated on her encounter with the Hutt, although Fel remained relatively unconcerned.
By the third day of their four-day hike, Jaina, Fel, and Pharika had successfully located the temple. However, they were unable to ascend it due to the approaching nightfall. Despite being unable to sense the Force from that distance, Jaina was certain that she was being drawn to it. Upon arriving the following day, Jaina detected the Force's presence at the temple and confided in Fel, who speculated that the Jedi builders likely intended to keep the temple's existence a secret. She then sensed the presence of a Jedi holocron within the temple and managed to retrieve it.
At that precise moment, Pharika, revealing her awareness of "Kara Tumak's" true identity, declared in a transformed tone that she knew "Master Solo" would lead "them" to the Jedi holocron and aimed a blaster at them. A light, transatmospheric starship of unknown origin emerged behind her. Jaina warned Pharika against harming her while she possessed the holocron. Pharika agreed, then shot Fel in the foot to demonstrate her willingness to harm Fel if Jaina refused to surrender the holocron. Jaina then provided Fel with the holocron and instructed him to conceal himself. Jaina engaged Pharika in combat, deflecting her blaster bolts, while Pharika evaded the incoming fire by using pillars and rubble as cover. Pharika's support ship subsequently fired a blast at Jaina's location, which she narrowly avoided.
Ultimately, Pharika sustained a wound to her thigh from a stray deflected bolt, allowing Fel to seize the opportunity to knock her down after briefly setting down the holocron. After a brief struggle, he managed to disarm Pharika by striking a nerve cluster on her gun arm and then shot her in the other leg.
The support ship then ascended and utilized its weapon systems to disintegrate Pharika, ensuring her silence regarding their motives. The ship subsequently fired more blaster bolts at nearby pillars, unaware of whether Jaina or Fel possessed the Jedi holocron. The battle proved taxing for Jaina, even with the Force's assistance, eventually resulting in a shoulder injury after narrowly evading falling rubble. Eventually, a G1-M4-C Dunelizard fighter, the same one Fel had previously observed in the hangar, arrived and shot down the ship.
The pilot was later revealed to be the Hutt that Jaina had discovered earlier. The Hutt explained that its intervention was solely to repay Jaina Solo for their (albeit reluctant) upholding of the Treaty of Vontor in the Hutts' favor and had no interest in the holocron, deeming it too dangerous for the Hutts. It provided limited information regarding Pharika's organization's objectives, claiming ignorance. Jaina expressed her gratitude before the Hutt departed.