Skivvers was a male Ho'Din (see gender) who made his living as a slicer, operating out of Ord Mantell. A price on his head, a bounty, forced him into hiding, but he still maintained his connections within the criminal world. Among these connections was Tay Vanis, a seasoned recruiter for the Rebel cause. In 0 BBY, Skivvers relayed a message from Vanis to Raleigh Dawn, which resulted in her and three others joining the Rebel Alliance.

Working as a slicer on the Mid Rim world of Ord Mantell, Skivvers was a male Ho'Din. Due to a bounty being placed for his capture, his movements were greatly restricted. The slicer had various underworld contacts, including Tay Vanis, a recruiter for the Alliance to Restore the Republic who worked with the Reekeene's Roughnecks, and someone known as "Kestrel".
Once, in 0 BBY, the Ho'Din was approached by Kestrel, who asked him to slice a bounty posting on "Raleigh Dawn". In reality, "Kestrel" was Dawn herself, using an alias to find out who wanted her captured. As a gift, Kestrel gave him a Mordanthi bloomer she had purchased from a visiting Ithorian herdship, and this encouraged the Ho'Din to investigate briefly. However, because the bounty was only for hunters holding Imperial Peace-Keeping Certificates, he declined to work further without payment. He did, however, pass along a message from Vanis to Kestrel, telling her to pick up a datapad from an alleyway near residence #21, which she did. Consequently, Vanis met with her in person to provide her with instructions on how to join the Rebel Alliance.
Skivvers was a slicer, which was somewhat unusual for a Ho'Din, as most of his species despised technology and forbade its use on their ancestral homeworld. Skivvers needed to wear thick corrective lenses because his eyesight was poor, and this was necessary for his work. The Ho'Din also loved plants, keeping several potted plants around his workbench. He also regretted that the bounty on his head kept him from visiting an Ithorian herdship when it visited Ord Mantell. While the Ho'Din was able to speak Basic, his speech was often grammatically incorrect.
Pablo Hidalgo created Skivvers for the Hyperspace-exclusive webstrip Rookies: Rendezvous, where the Ho'Din was featured in strips #23–27. Hidalgo mentioned the Ho'Din in some of the webstrip annotations on his blog, where he noted that Skivvers was a bit shorter than the average Ho'Din, who are listed in the Ultimate Alien Anthology as 2.75 meters tall. When asked by a fan, he also suggested that in the scene where Skivvers is modifying a blaster pistol at his desk, it is "very, very likely" that he is modifying it to store data, using the technique described in Cracken's Rebel Field Guide.