
The Skyblade-330 represents a swoop bike design from the workshops of Caelli-Merced. Notably, Enfys Nest made use of a customized Skyblade-330. An identical bike was also owned by Rekias Nodo.


A rider on a Skyblade-330 spots a K79-S80 Imperial Troop Transport from above.

The Skyblade-330 shared design elements with other Cloud-Rider Skyblade models, for example, the Arrogantus-X Skyblade-221 swoop bike, which featured an attached sidecar for an additional passenger or weapon operator.

Enfys Nest's modified Skyblade-330 included a blaster cannon positioned between the three steering vanes. This cannon was situated at the extremity of a long outrigger connected to the vehicle's primary structure. Thin rods connected the maneuver controls to the outrigger. A single vertical rear wing was located behind the pilot's seating area, above the repulsorlift engine. The pilot's feet were placed on pedals used for attitude control. The main power cell was housed beneath the maneuver controls, at the base of the outrigger.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of a Skyblade-330

The Skyblade made its initial appearance in the book titled Choose Your Destiny: A Han & Chewie Adventure before its visual debut in Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Lucasfilm constructed a full-scale, functional speeder, incorporating airplane components as "greebles." Computer-generated imagery (CGI) was employed to depict the speeders while in flight. Furthermore, it utilized the same engine as the M-68 landspeeder.

