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"Smuggler's Blues" was a short story presented in Star Wars Tales 14 and subsequently compiled into Star Wars Tales Volume 4.
The narrative takes place in the period just before Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker make their entrance into the Mos Eisley cantina.
Han Solo and Chewbacca are depicted seated at a table inside the Mos Eisley Cantina. Han laments the downturn in their business ever since he offloaded a particular shipment belonging to Jabba. Chewbacca indicates that he has located some prospective clients seeking to hire the pair, leading them to conduct a series of impatient interviews.
The first applicant is a Snivvian, possibly identifiable as Zutton. This Snivvian expresses a desire to transport some "Hutt-smut" to the Kurluvion system. Han retorts to the cunning Snivvian that he would prefer "being encased in carbonite and displayed on a wall to smuggling such garbage."
The subsequent applicant is a blue-skinned Twi'lek who hopes that Han has an available position for her. She volunteers to serve as a stewardess, distributing refreshments or tidying the ship, but Han informs her that "we don't operate that way, ma'am—regretfully, we cannot be of assistance." The Twi'lek departs with disappointment, mentioning, "I suppose I'll have to accept that position at Jabba's Palace after all."
Following her is a group of aliens, a sect led by Brother Xando. They are seeking transport to the "sacred planet" of Norclune. Han responds that it is "quite a journey" and "it will cost you." However, Xando explains that they possess nothing and had prayed that Han would "grant the voyage as a gift to the living Force." Han remarks (with irony) that "the day I start believing in the 'Force' is the day I enlist in the Rebellion."

Next up are Dr. Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba. The doctor and his companion demand immediate passage off of Tatooine, and they want a discount. Evazan proclaims to Han that "I am condemned to death in twelve systems—one more will be insignificant!" Chewbacca escorts them away.
As Dr. Evazan departs, muttering to himself, Han instructs Chewbacca to find someone "worthwhile," specifying "no oddballs, no deviants, no charity cases," and that "an elderly individual with connections, or a youngster with a speeder to sell for a one-way ticket out of here" would be ideal.
Han contemplates his "smuggler's blues," suggesting that "being cast into a sarlacc pit would be less agonizing." During his reflection, Wuher shouts, "No blasters, no blasters," and Han mutters that "Chewbacca will likely bring whoever's causing that commotion over here next."