So Much More

title: So Much More Rewritten

Originally released on August 14, 2019, as the back-up story in Star Wars Adventures Annual 2019, So Much More is a comic book tale.

Story Synopsis

WA-2V was looking for the young Princess [Leia Organa](/article/leia_skywalker_organa_solo] on the planet Alderaan, after she disappeared into the gardens. While playing, Leia encountered her adoptive mother, Breha Organa, who was in the company of R2-D2 and engrossed in a book. Leia embraced her mother, then gazed at a towering statue of Queen Padmé Amidala, prompting Breha to share Amidala's story of ascent.

Breha recounted how Amidala, elected at the young age of fourteen, was a courageous queen who was committed to defending her people. She described the battles Amidala faced and the challenges her adversaries presented. Above all, she emphasized that Amidala's most significant battles took place within the Galactic Senate. Even after her reign as queen concluded, she persisted in her advocacy as a senator, amplifying the voices of her people against those who sought to silence them. Breha noted that Amidala became a symbol of hope as the Galactic Empire gained power, and her legacy continued to inspire them.

Breha urged Leia to remember the lessons she had shared. She went on to say that Leia should always remember that, as a princess, she possesses hope and limitless potential.
