The Spears of Organa represented a series of defensive weapon emplacements erected by House Organa on the planet of Alderaan. These three turrets were integrated into the natural rock formations of the mountains surrounding Castle Organa. Even though they did not meet the weapon standards of the era, the Spears possessed greater firepower than any walker of that time.
During the conflict known as the Alderaan Civil War, Jharkus Thul commanded the army of House Thul in a number of military operations against House Organa and their allies from the Galactic Republic. Thul's forces launched an assault on the Spears of Organa with the intention of seizing them and deploying them against Organa Palace and the Republic forces supporting them. The three individual Spears were named Spear Cresh, Spear Osk, and Spear Trill.
Duke Charle Remmot Organa tasked a Republic-aligned operative with the mission of reclaiming the Spears from Thul's control. However, after the operative successfully secured the Spears, Jharkus contacted the operative, the Duke, and Republic General Kashim, revealing that the attack was merely a ruse to allow his forces to capture 348 Organa subjects, whom he then held as hostages.
The Spears of Organa were originally conceived for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game launched by BioWare on December 20, 2011. They are featured in the "Raising the Flag" mission for Republic-aligned players on Alderaan, where players are tasked with defeating ten Thul soldiers at each of the Spear locations.