Kashim, a Duros of the male persuasion, held the rank of general within the Republic Armed Forces. He oversaw all Republic military personnel stationed on Alderaan, a Core World, during the Cold War with the Sith Empire after its reformation. Collaborating with Duke Charle of House Organa, Kashim and his forces lent their support to House Organa amidst the war for control of the throne. In the year 3643 BBY, Organa and Kashim received assistance from an ally of the Republic in their struggle against House Thul, who were aligned with the Empire.
Kashim, identified as a male Duros, ascended to the position of general in the Republic Military during the era of the Cold War against the Sith Empire. In 3643 BBY, he found himself stationed on Alderaan, a prominent Core World engulfed in a fierce civil war to determine which house would claim the throne. He forged a strong partnership with Duke Charle Remmot Organa, the leader of House Organa which was aligned with the Republic. Together, they fought against House Thul, who were allied with the Empire, as well as the independent House Ulgo.
In 3643 BBY, Thul's military took over the Apalis Coast along with the Organa Vinerium. They also started moving towards the power generators of Castle Organa, using baradium bombs to destroy everything. Kashim was told that someone who was an ally of the Republic had arrived on the planet, so he got Haley Organa to get in touch with this person at Pallista Spaceport. Kashim used a holotransmission to ask the person to stop the attacks and disarm four baradium bombs.
After the person did what he asked, they met Kashim and Duke Organa in Organa Palace. Kashim and Organa realized how skilled the person was, so they asked the person to push back the Thul forces that were attacking the Spears of Organa. The Spears were three old defensive towers built into the mountains. The person pushed back the enemy and made sure that Spears Cresh, Osk, and Trill were safe. This meant that House Thul couldn't use them against House Organa or the Republic.
But when the person got back, Jharkus Thul, also known as the Wolf Baron and the leader of the Thul army, contacted the Duke and said that the attack on the Spears was a trick. While the Organa forces were busy defending the Spears, Thul's forces captured 348 Organa citizens. Duke Organa demanded that they be freed, but the Wolf Baron wanted Organa to meet him in the Organa Vinerium to talk about it. The person thought it was a trap, so they offered to check out the meeting place before the Duke arrived, while Kashim gathered the Organa troops.
The person ended up becoming the Wolf Baron's prisoner instead of the hostages, because Thul thought that House Organa would easily lose without the person's help. As soon as the prisoners were freed, Kashim planned a mission to save the hero. The Duros sent Brant Sonn and some other former prisoners to free the person. Then, he told the freed prisoner that the Organa forces were in big trouble because the Empire had sent some Sith apprentices to help House Thul. If the person couldn't defeat the apprentices, House Organa would have to run away and leave. But the person did it, defeating the apprentices and pushing back the Thul forces from the Vinerium. Because of the person's efforts, the Republic and Organa forces were able to win and kick the Imperial and Thul armies out of the Apalis Coast, making the area around the Organa estate safe.
Kashim and the Duke talked to the person again later when Science Commander Keikana Herot contacted them using a holocomm. The person had helped Herot stop the Killik attacks in the Alsakan Lowlands by destroying House Ulgo's "pain factory" that was torturing Killiks to make them angry.
Kashim was made for Star Wars: The Old Republic, which is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that BioWare released on December 20, 2011. He shows up on Alderaan as part of the main bonus quests for Republic players. He and Duke Charle Organa ask the player to help them fight against House Thul and the Empire on the Apalis Coast.