Special Tactics trooper

Tarkin Paramilitary Troops ORSF Special Tactics trooper are attacked on the surface of Troiken. Special Tactics troopers constituted the special forces element within the Judicial Department of the Galactic Republic. Their attire consisted of substantial uniforms, and their weaponry included A280 blaster rifles. During the Stark Hyperspace War, battalions of these troopers provided assistance to the Outland Regions Security Force.


During the events of the Stark Hyperspace War, the ORSF fleet suffered a major defeat, leading to the evacuation of surviving personnel to the surface of Troiken, where they established a stronghold in Mount Avos. It was there that Special Tactics troopers engaged in multiple engagements until the siege was broken following the Stark Collective's defeat at the Fifth Battle of Qotile.

These Special Tactics troopers served as the forerunners to the Galactic Empire's Special Missions troopers.

Behind the scenes

The troopers associated with the Republic, who made their appearance in the 2001 comic book storyline titled The Stark Hyperspace War, were later retconed by The Essential Guide to Warfare to be Special Tactics troopers featured in the Rogue Planet novel.

