Star Wars #22 represents the twenty-second installment in the Star Wars comic book series that began in 2020. Marvel Comics released this issue, featuring the writing of Charles Soule and the artistic contributions of Ramon Rosanas and Rachelle Rosenberg, on April 13, 2022.
THE DAWN ALLIANCE – A 3-PART STORY: "The Last Division" The REBEL ALLIANCE's fleet must reunite with its missing division. To accomplish this, LEIA ORGANA, MON MOTHMA, and other leaders of the Alliance must depend on information from CRIMSON DAWN, a criminal syndicate known for its unreliability. Elsewhere, Starlight Squadron, alongside KES DAMERON's renegade PATHFINDERS, embarks on a forbidden rescue mission to save a comrade!
A mistake occurs within the issue, identifying Shara Bey as a captain, which is inaccurate, given her true military_rank of lieutenant.