Star Wars Insider 24

Star Wars Insider 24 is the 24th installment of the Star Wars Insider periodical. Its release date was in December of 1994.

Table of Contents

  • " A Look at Peter Cushing " (Authored by Jamie Painter) On the date of August 11, 1994, the distinguished actor Peter Cushing passed away due to cancer. He left behind a significant body of cinematic work, notably his role as the devious Grand Moff Tarkin, the governor overseeing the Imperial Outland Regions in Star Wars. We reflect upon the career of this remarkable actor, ensuring his memory endures.
  • " Center for the Arts Show " (Authored by Jon Bradley Snyder) Currently, a substantial exhibition is being showcased at the Center for the Arts situated in Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco. Spanning over 8,000 square feet, the exhibit prominently displays a multitude of props, models, and costumes originating from both the Star Wars and Indian Jones film franchises. We present an overview of this unparalleled exhibition.
  • " Star Wars Production Timeline " (Authored by Jon Bradley Snyder and Allan Kausch) Presented herein are the pivotal dates encompassing the production of the Star Wars trilogy, incorporating obscure and difficult-to-locate details.
  • " Still Designing A Galaxy Far, Far Away: A Profile of 'Artiste Extraordinaire' Ralph McQuarrie " (Authored by Pamela Roller) Ralph McQuarrie functioned as the design consultant and conceptual artist instrumental in enabling George Lucas to realize Star Wars on the silver screen. McQuarrie was critically important in establishing the overall aesthetic of Star Wars. He provides additional perspectives on the Star Wars universe in his upcoming book, The Star Wars Universe co-written with Kevin Anderson. The Insider recently engaged in a conversation with Ralph regarding his prior and current experiences with Star Wars.
  • " Rick McCallum: Producing the New Star Wars Prequels " (Authored by Dan Madsen) Rick McCallum, who previously collaborated with Lucas on The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, is the individual selected by George Lucas to assist in guiding the direction of the new Star Wars films. In this exclusive interview, McCallum informs us about the progress of the Star Wars prequels and communicates his aspirations and strategies for the forthcoming years.
  • " THX 1138 " (Authored by Jon Bradley Snyder) Preceding Star Wars, George Lucas directed the science fiction landmark THX-1138. In this retrospective analysis, Jon Bradley Snyder revisits Lucas' initial foray into science fiction and elucidates how this singular cinematic accomplishment maintains its relevance and captivation even in the present day.
  • " Bzzzzit...! ILM Energizes Star Wars " (Authored by Jon Bradley Snyder) Darth Vader embarks on a mission commissioned by the Emperor, specifically to apprehend the Energizer Bunny once and for all. Will Darth Vader succeed in converting the Bunny to the dark side? Unprepared Star Wars enthusiasts experienced surprise and delight upon witnessing this monumental confrontation on television during the previous fall in the latest Energizer battery advertisement. Discover the genesis of this event and how ILM executed the special effects within this and other commercials.

Regular Sections

Additional Information and Sources
