Star Wars Kids was a magazine series for children that Scholastic released from September 1999 until November 2000. It was designed to accompany the _Star Wars: Episode I Adventures_ series of books for young readers, as well as the roleplaying game. The magazine was published fifteen times, and each issue included a brand-new mission for Episode I Adventures.
The Star Wars Kids magazine published by Scholastic was released at the same time as a magazine with the same name, which was published by The Fan Club, Inc. from 1998 to 2000. It also followed Scholastic's original _Star Wars Kids_ magazine series, which ran from 1997 to 1999 and was created to go along with the Star Wars Missions roleplaying game.
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 1 , September 1999
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 2 , October 1999
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 3 , November 1999
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 4 , December 1999
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 5 , January 2000
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 6 , February 2000
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 7 , March 2000
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 8 , April 2000
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 9 , May 2000
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 10 , June 2000
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 11 , July 2000
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 12 , August 2000
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 13 , September 2000
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 14 , October 2000
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 15 , November 2000
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