Star Wars Missions 6: The Search for Grubba the Hutt

title: Star Wars Missions 6: The Search for Grubba the Hutt

Star Wars Missions 6: The Search for Grubba the Hutt represents the sixth installment within the Star Wars Missions series, crafted for young readers and functioning as a roleplaying game. Scholastic released it to the public in February of 1998.

Summary from the Publisher

Grubba the Hutt has vanished, and Jabba the Hutt is furious! To stay alive, Han Solo and his companions must locate the young Hutt and return him to Jabba's palace without delay. The bounty hunters holding Grubba won't relinquish him easily. Your objective: find Grubba and ensure Jabba's satisfaction, or face the consequences.

May the Force be with you.

Synopsis of the Plot

In the city of Mos Eisley, Han Solo is shown to be questioning a Kubaz about the whereabouts of Grubba, who is the nephew of Jabba the Hutt. The Kubaz divulges that Udin, a member of his hive, has taken Grubba to Kubindi. Satisfied with this information, Han releases the Kubaz but is soon confronted by the local militia, leading to his escape.

Concurrently, Udin and Grubba, accompanied by Dengar and Eron Stonefield, arrive on Kubindi aboard the Punishing One. They establish a secure position within the Silver Forest of Dreams, awaiting Solo's arrival. Solo eventually arrives, landing his ship outside the forest and deciding to proceed using landspeeders. He enlists the services of a local guide, Bizzin Uz, to navigate the Silver Forest. One of the rebels is paired with C-3PO, whose sensor capabilities prove invaluable. Bizzin Uz guides the group, cautioning them that any Kubaz they encounter are likely to be law enforcement or poachers. The Rebel encounters a massive aquatic creature of an unidentifiable species, successfully avoiding it, only to stumble into a nest of these creatures. Ultimately, the Rebel is overwhelmed by the creatures and abandoned by their companions. The Rebel is then captured by a Giant mantys, leaving Threepio alone and stranded in the forest. Taking the Rebel to its treetop nest, the mantys engages in combat, but the Rebel prevails. The Rebel then rappels down the tree, hoping to find Threepio waiting. Upon reaching the forest floor, the droid is nowhere to be found, prompting the Rebel to venture into a cave.

After an hour of exploration, the Rebel confronts and defeats a Giant termyte. Spending the night within the cave, the Rebel is awakened by Threepio, who had apparently sought refuge there in their absence. Resuming their journey, the Rebel encounters Uz, who has suffered a fatal bite from a spydr. Uz informs the Rebel that their companions have been captured and taken to the Zabin Hive. As Uz dies from his injuries, a squad of Kubaz enforcers from Zabin Hive arrives to inspect Uz's body. The Rebel conceals themself until most of the enforcers depart, then defeats the remaining ones with Threepio's assistance. Upon reaching the Zabin Hive, Threepio and the Rebel use deception to gain access to the detention facility, where they are ambushed by security droids and brought before Queen Zabin. The Queen agrees to release the Rebel's captured comrades, provide the Rebellion with spydr meat, and hand over the captured Grubba, but only if the Rebel can prepare a delicious dish using spydr meat. The Rebel succeeds in doing so, but unfortunately, Grubba was taken away while they were in the kitchen.

Despite this setback, the bounty hunters leave a message on the Millennium Falcon, taunting the Rebels to pursue them and attempt to rescue Grubba on the Tafanda Bay, which is located above Ithor.

Mission Pack #6

