The Starflash team, comprised of twenty Chiss Mitth family warriors, manned the Starflash, an alien superweapon weapon, circa 4300 BBY. Their mission: to safeguard the Chiss Ascendancy and the Chiss species from annihilation by a foe of the Ascendancy (enemy). The operation of the Starflash resulted in the death of every team member, perishing under Csilla's sun.
Among the team were all four sons of Mitth'omo'rossodo, whose core name was Thomoro. The Mitth family's position as a Ruling Family within the Chiss was solidified through their sacrifice, an honor bestowed for their role in saving the Ascendancy. Thomoro was also recognized for the sacrifice of her sons, and was an honoree during the Stybla honoring ceremony.