"Stop That Jawa!", found within Star Wars Tales 2, is a comic spanning eight pages. Dave Cooper both penned the story and created the artwork.
Within a Tatooine cantina, Max Rebo, Sy Snootles, and Droopy McCool are in the midst of an argument. Their contention stems from the fact that their current compensation for performing for Jabba Desilijic Tiure is merely sustenance, rather than monetary payment. Sy voices a harsh critique of Jabba, and the band, noticing a menacing-looking droid turning in their direction, resolves to depart. They soon realize their hovervan, which houses all their gear, has vanished. After inquiring with someone nearby, they discover Jawas made off with it.
Using Sy's hoverbuggy, they opt to trace the signal emitted by Max's organ. A bounty hunter droid, the same one from the cantina, begins to follow them, but Sy manages to shake him off amidst some rock structures, allowing them to approach a sandcrawler. Max presents himself to the Jawas, who respond inhospitably, shoving him onto the sand. The same bounty hunter then reappears, frightening the Jawas away and revealing the band's hovervan, with all instruments accounted for. Max Rebo confronts the bounty hunter, removes his helmet, and introduces himself as Tik Tali Talosh, the harmonica player, and requests an opportunity to audition.