A young Lumpy's stuffed bantha is held by an Imperial trooper.
A bantha plushie served as a plaything for younglings. Stuffed tauntauns and stuffed dewbacks were examples of similar playthings.
Night Forael Wren, daughter to Senator Lavina Durada-Vashne Wren, possessed a violet bantha plushie during the Clone Wars era and carried it when the Thaereian military abducted her.
In 1 ABY, Vardias Tyne crafted a toy bantha as a gift for the bantha-devoted Dim-U monks, hoping to placate them after they contracted a bounty hunter named Rhalia Jinsari to assassinate him.

Lumpawaroo considered the stuffed bantha his most cherished toy. When an Imperial patrol stormed Lumpy's residence on Kashyyyk, an Imperial Navy trooper tore the bantha plushie's head off. This deeply saddened Lumpy, inspiring him to devise a signal that would trick the Imperials into evacuating his home and returning to their base.
The Bantha Traxx Boutique gift shop located on Lianna also retailed stuffed banthas.
Leia Organa Solo discovered a stuffed bantha that belonged to the daughter of Kitster Chanchani Banai in 8.5 ABY. This served as an indication to her that Tamora Spice wasn't being truthful regarding her solitude in the house.
In 40 ABY, Jacen Solo gifted his daughter, Allana, with a bantha plushie, and later a tauntaun plushie. She named the tauntaun "Jacen" in his honor, allowing her to converse with the toy when she missed him during his absences.