Kitster Chanchani Banai, a Human youth enslaved on the desert planet Tatooine, shared a close bond with Anakin Skywalker. After years passed without his smuggler father, Rakir Banai, returning, Kitster abandoned hope of rescue from Tatooine. His new aspiration was to become a majordomo on a grand estate in Mos Espan.
Around 41 BBY, Kitster Chanchani Banai entered the world as the offspring of smuggler Rakir Banai. The Hutts sought Rakir, eventually capturing his vessel with his family aboard. Consequently, Kitster and his mother were sold into bondage, leading them to the Mos Espa settlement on Tatooine.

Shortly before the Boonta's Eve event in 32 BBY, Kitster, alongside Anakin Skywalker and their comrades, narrowly averted a crisis. They learned of children imprisoned by Sebulba, a Dug who intended to sell them, including Princess Arawynne, to Gardulla the Elder. Disguised as Jawas, the children infiltrated Gardulla's property and liberated the Ghostling children.
On Tatooine, Kitster was Anakin Skywalker's closest companion. However, he was also the property of Gardulla, who threatened to sell him to glitterstim miners if he misbehaved. Both boys once admired the Sith, based on a holo-recording played by a Sith droid acquired by Watto. Their "Sith Warrior" games ended when a spacer revealed the Sith's true history. Kitster participated in Anakin's pit crew during the podrace on Boonta Eve.
Before embarking on his Jedi journey, Anakin gifted Kitster some of his winnings. Kitster used it to buy Par Ontham's Guide to Etiquette, which he memorized to get a job at the Three Moons, managed by Rarta Dal. This job allowed Kitster to earn enough to purchase his freedom as he matured.
Kitster was spotted in Mos Espa during 1 ABY. Unbeknownst to him, his former friend had embraced the dark side and become Darth Vader. He believed Anakin had perished in the Clone Wars.

Kitster's attempts to improve the lives of slaves angered their owner, the slaver Drik Bandrik. Bandrik retaliated by framing Kitster, manipulating a Jawa tribe into believing Kitster stole a droid. Fortunately, a kind traveler helped Kitster by eliminating the aggressive Jawas, who were working for Wittin. Kitster rewarded the traveler with Anakin's podracing helmet. However, Kitster's troubles continued.
Bandrik again framed Kitster, planting evidence with Jabba the Hutt that implicated Kitster in a past slave revolt at his palace. Despite the revolt's failure, Jabba sent a Rodian henchman named Deeng to assassinate Kitster. The same traveler agreed to hunt down and kill Deeng.
Even after Deeng's death, Bandrik persisted in framing Kitster, this time for the murder of a moisture farmer. Kitster insisted he was innocent, providing an alibi: he was in an Imperial jail cell for "political agitation" due to his advocacy for slave rights. The Empire released Kitster, deeming him harmless. However, Sont Toipo, a vigilante leader on Bandrik's payroll, was organizing a lynch mob. Kitster estimated the mob consisted of six to eight farmers. He implored the traveler to kill Toipo, but spare the farmers. The traveler succeeded in killing Toipo and sparing the farmers. Kitster gifted the traveler a droid brain built by Anakin.

Eventually, Kitster discovered the "murdered" farmer was paid by Bandrik to leave town and incite a lynch mob. To clear his name, Kitster asked the traveler to find the female Twi'lek farmer, Krin Vel, and bring her back to Mos Espa. Despite an ambush by Bandrik's thugs, the traveler found Krin and escorted her back. Krin claimed ignorance of the plot and wanted to expose Bandrik.
With Krin's help, Kitster gathered enough evidence to clear his name. Instead of sending it to the police, whom he believed would not arrest Bandrik, he asked the traveler to give it to a slicer, a Kitonak named Thermal Det. The traveler delivered the evidence, and Thermal ensured it reached Jabba and the HoloNet. Kitster thanked the traveler, believing Jabba would punish Bandrik, forcing him to flee the planet.
Ironically, Kitster's father, Rakir Banai, was working for Bandrik, tasked with dealing with the troublemaker without knowing his identity. With the help of a spacer, Rakir discovered Bandrik's slaving activities and that the troublemaker was his son. Rakir then sent messengers to find Kitster.
Kitster eventually married Ulda, a Kuati woman who managed the old Podracing Arena, transforming it into a swoop bike arena. However, Kitster fell in love with the arena's bartender, Tamora Spice. He left Ulda, married Tamora, and had two children: Ji and Elly.
With Tamora, Kitster achieved his goal of becoming the majordomo at the [Rendala Estate](/article/rendala_estate] in Mos Espa. By 8 ABY, the estate was foreclosed, leaving Kitster unemployed. He auctioned off personal items, including a holocube of Anakin Skywalker after his Boonta Eve Classic win. A Gotal collector bought it for thirteen hundred credits, at the same auction as Killik Twilight, a painting containing Rebel codes.

In 8.5 ABY, he encountered Leia and Han Solo at the auction. When Killik Twilight was threatened, Kitster stole it and escaped on Wald's swoop bike, pursued by stormtroopers. He hid in the Arch Canyon. A sandstorm forced him into a Jawa Sandcrawler attacked by Tusken Raiders. The Sand People kidnapped Kitster and the painting, planning to sacrifice him in the Valley of the Spirits to the "angry ghost" that had slain a tribe with a "glowing, humming sword." They tortured him by breaking his fingers for every watering the painting needed. Han and Leia rescued him and the painting. Kitster believed Anakin regretted his attack on the Tuskens, even as Darth Vader, leading Leia to forgive her father.
Dhruv Chanchani played Kitster Banai in The Phantom Menace. His middle name, "Chanchani," was revealed in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.