Rakir Banai was a Human smuggler (of the male variety) and also the progenitor of Kitster Chanchani Banai.
Rakir Banai worked as a smuggler in the time leading up to the Invasion of Naboo. He possessed his own starship, and smuggled medicines to planets in the Outer Rim to avoid the high prices of the Corporate Sector. Unfortunately, his career ended when he and his family were apprehended by bounty hunters during a Hutt pirate assault. His wife and his son, Kitster, were sold as slaves. Rakir never saw his family again and, from that point forward, he became consumed with exacting revenge on the Hutts.
After the Battle of Yavin, Rakir Banai ultimately found himself in the small settlement of Wayfar on Tatooine, where he gained employment under a man by the name of Drik Bandrik.

In 1 ABY, Rakir encountered a spacer and requested his assistance. Rakir had heard about a troublemaker in Mos Espa who was attempting to disrupt Drik's local mining operations. Drik informed Rakir that this troublemaker was suspected of committing multiple murders and was planning to send a saboteur to detonate his mine. When the spacer inquired about the reason for the trouble, Rakir explained that the troublemaker was complaining about the working conditions in the mine. Conversely, Drik also told Rakir that the troublemaker was a rival mine owner seeking to eliminate the competition. Rakir then asked if the spacer could intercept the saboteur, who was in reality a Twi'lek called Triggo Binz. The spacer agreed to locate Triggo, fully aware that he would likely resist arrest. As expected, when the spacer approached Triggo and his associates, they launched an attack. During the assault, Triggo yelled that the spacer would meet his end, just like Drik's slaves. Nevertheless, the spacer successfully eliminated Triggo and his companions. After the battle, the spacer returned to Rakir to share the news. Rakir expressed surprise at Triggo's accusation that Drik was a slaver. Rakir was skeptical of this claim, but acknowledged the need to investigate further.
He instructed the spacer to consult with a Bothan spy named Silm'an Voueen. Rakir believed that the Bothan possessed the truth about Drik. Rakir was opposed to slavery, so the truth was of utmost importance to him. The spacer agreed to help, and sought out Silm'an, who possessed a datadisk containing information about Drik's slave operation. The Bothan also appended additional data to the datadisk, suggesting that Kitster Banai, Rakir's son, was actually the troublemaker working against Drik. When the spacer delivered the data to Rakir, he was incredulous that Kitster was the troublemaker. Rakir required more information, so he dispatched the spacer on another mission. Rakir discovered that a spy named Deela Quellor had acquired records from a Mos Eisley repository owned by Jabba the Hutt. Jabba had originally stolen the records from a rival Hutt crime lord, named Gardulla. With the records now in Deela's possession, the Hutts were actively searching for the spy. Rakir tasked the spacer with finding his spy and safely escorting the individual back to him. The spacer agreed and set out to locate Deela. Fortunately for Rakir, the spacer managed to find Deela, who indeed possessed the crucial records. Once the spy and the information were returned to Rakir, he arrived at a grim realization. He now understood that Drik had been manipulating him all along to target his own son.
Following this revelation, Rakir resolved to find Kitster. He dispatched messengers to various cities across Tatooine, utilizing the information that the spacer had provided earlier. Rakir was confident that the search would be swift, as there were relatively few cities on the planet. Unfortunately, Rakir was unable to search for his son himself, as he was still bound by Drik's contract. Rakir assigned the spacer one final task, which involved locating Drik's majordomo, named Wizzel, and forcibly obtaining the contract. With the contract in hand, Rakir would be free to search for Kitster. The spacer agreed to assist with this final task, and set out to find Wizzel. Despite Wizzel being guarded by two associates, the spacer successfully eliminated them all and secured the contract. Upon the spacer's return, Rakir expressed his immense gratitude for the spacer's assistance. As compensation for the spacer's service, Rakir rewarded him with additional credits and a shellfish harvester. He believed the harvester would be useless on Tatooine and felt the spacer could make better use of it. Rakir was confident that he would find his son soon, with the help of his messengers.
Rakir Banai was featured as a non-player character in the video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. Within the game, players had the opportunity to undertake a series of quests for him, which rewarded them with a sum of credits, along with a shellfish harvester tool.