A male Rodian named W. Wald became the proprietor of Wald's Parts after Watto ceded ownership of the business to him on Tatooine. In their youth, both he and Anakin Skywalker were enslaved workers and close friends. Wald's linguistic abilities included proficiency in Huttese.

Wald, who was born in 38 BBY, spent his early years as a companion to Anakin Skywalker. Living with his family on Tatooine, who had relocated to Mos Espa shortly before the Invasion of Naboo, he assisted Anakin in the construction of a podracer. Wald gained a reputation as a minor thief and vandal, with graffiti calling Watto a "dirty old bird" being attributed to him. He consistently shared his ill-gotten gains with his friends, fostering a strong bond with Anakin Skywalker.
After Anakin's departure, Wald maintained strong relationships with Kitster Banai and Anakin's mother, Shmi. Shmi entrusted Anakin's tools to Wald, who then took a position at Watto's salvage yard. Despite his efforts, he never quite reached Anakin's level of expertise in repairing old equipment. Shmi also provided Wald with a swoop bike design that Anakin had left behind. With Kitster's assistance, Wald successfully built Anakin's bike design and achieved his freedom, though he acknowledged that it wasn't as fast as a podracer, but still pretty fast.

In the period following the Battle of Yavin, Wald frequently found himself overwhelmed with tasks in addition to his regular duties for Watto. For instance, when mynocks began infiltrating Watto's junkyard at night to feed on the power cables, Watto tasked Wald with resolving the issue. Fortunately, a traveler in search of a missing droid part offered to assist Wald and ventured to the location outside Mos Espa where the mynocks were prevalent, significantly reducing their numbers. The traveler agreed to undertake two more tasks for Wald. A gang known as the Laser Flits had ambushed a shipment of swoop parts intended for one of Wald and Watto's customers, stealing ten of them. The traveler raided the Laser Flits' headquarters and recovered the parts, eliminating at least ten gang members in the process. The other task was a simple delivery of spare parts to a Qord D'Baelor customer waiting at Mos Espa Starport. After completing these jobs, the traveler departed. Wald was grateful for the traveler's kindness and came to regard them as a friend.

Upon Watto's retirement, he transferred ownership of the salvage shop to Wald. Wald rebranded it as Wald's Parts and maintained a modest level of business during the early years of the New Republic. Wald encountered a stranger who inquired about Anakin Skywalker. Unbeknownst to Wald, this individual was Luke Skywalker, the son of his longtime friend Anakin Skywalker. When Kitster stole the Killik Twilight moss painting, Wald aided his escape from Jergo. Without anyone knowing, Kitster stole Wald's swoop to get to the Arch Canyon to find a disguised couple, a Devaronian and Twi'lek. With Kitster's wife Tamora, Wald later provided Leia Organa Solo with information regarding Kitster's whereabouts with the stolen moss painting. Wald informed Han Solo that the swoop bike Kitster had taken was designed by his close friend Anakin Skywalker. Leia, however, was quietly infuriated that he refused to believe Anakin Skywalker had grown up to become Darth Vader, unable in his mind to reconcile the joyous young child he had known with the monster of the dark side. Wald was also unaware of his return to Tatooine and the actions he took in attempting to rescue his mother.
Wald was portrayed by Warwick Davis, who also played Wicket W. Warrick in Return of the Jedi, as well as Weazel in The Phantom Menace[3] and various other characters in the series.
In a deleted scene, Greedo accuses Anakin Skywalker of cheating during the Boonta Eve Classic pod race, leading to Anakin assaulting Greedo until Qui-Gon Jinn intervened. Following the altercation, Wald cautions Greedo against continuing such behavior, warning that it would lead to a bad end, which ultimately occurs 32 years later. Star Wars Journal: Anakin Skywalker incorrectly states that Wald himself was the Rodian involved in the fight with Anakin, despite their friendship.
Wald made an appearance in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. He was incorporated as part of the "Wald's Woes" quest with the launch of "Chapter 2: The Talus Incident," on August 1, 2006.