Survival tool

Tools for survival were crafted with the intention of aiding in survival situations within challenging or dangerous locales, such as untamed wilderness, arid deserts, or mountainous regions. These tools encompassed items like knives or bladed instruments like the survival knife, eating implements, macrofusers, and miniature transpirators.

In the year 25 ABY, Han Solo received one of these survival tools as a gift from his son, Anakin Solo. This specific tool was created by Chewbacca, and it was this fact that played a large role in Han's acceptance of the present from his son, as the two were experiencing a period of conflict due to Chewbacca's passing. The tool's fork feature allowed Han to consume nerf steak while aboard the Queen of Empire, and soon after, the tool was instrumental in saving his life from immediate danger on his ship, the Millennium Falcon, at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong Priestess Elan. The miniature transpirator component of the tool provided Han with the ability to breathe for a sufficient duration to evade the lethal poisonous impact of Elan's bo'tous spore. Consequently, Elan, who did not possess a respirator, perished due to the effects of her own assault.

