Captain Suubrin served as a naval officer, leading the Galactic Republic light cruiser called the Vigilance during the time of the Clone Wars. Approximately around 19 BBY, Suubrin headed up an intelligence-gathering mission to invade a Separatist base that had been abandoned, situated within a star system that had no distinguishing characteristics.
During the Clone Wars, a period of great conflict between the Republic and the separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems, Suubrin held the rank of captain and served as an officer within the naval forces of the Galactic Republic, commanding the light cruiser known as the Vigilance. Suubrin and the Vigilance were dispatched to the Cularin system located in the Thaere sector, where the cruiser became part of a Republic fleet stationed in orbit around the planet of Almas.
In the era of 19 BBY, Suubrin, commanding the Vigilance, received orders to provide assistance to the Cularin Armed Forces, a Cularin-based system Republic military organization, in an intelligence-gathering mission targeting a Separatist base that had been abandoned. This base was suspected to be a stronghold for the Believers Sith cult. For this operation, the Vigilance assumed overall command of Task Group Destruction, a small flotilla from the Cularin Armed Forces. Together, they journeyed to an unremarkable star system where the abandoned facility was located. Upon reaching their destination, Suubrin's forces conducted scans of the base and reported to the captain that it appeared deserted, with no signs of life or significant droid activity detected. Based on these findings, Suubrin anticipated that the investigation of the base would likely not yield any valuable strategic information.

Despite his reservations about the likelihood of success, Suubrin issued instructions for ground troops to be deployed to the abandoned base. This contingent included a unit of clone marines, four engineers, and the heroes of Cularin, a group of independent specialist agents. The captain directed the engineers and half of the marines to restore power to the facility, while the specialist agents and the remaining marines were tasked with proceeding to the installation's command center to retrieve any available data. Suubrin personally briefed the troops on the mission objectives, cautioning them to be wary of potential traps or mines left behind by the Separatists. The specialist agents later recalled their briefing with the captain as they were being transported to the Separatist facility via shuttle.
While Suubrin's forces were engaged in raiding the base, the Vigilance detected the presence of a starfighter nearby, piloted by the Cerean Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi. The Jedi had sustained injuries during an encounter with the Dark Jedi Garth Ezzar. After receiving medical attention aboard the Vigilance, Mundi met with Suubrin on the vessel's bridge, specifically inside the captain's briefing room. Upon the return of the heroes of Cularin to the Vigilance from the Separatist base, Suubrin informed them of the Jedi Master's arrival and facilitated an introduction between the agents and the Cerean.
Suubrin was a character in Destruction, a roleplaying adventure by Ronald A. Heintz released in 2005 as a part of the Heart of Evil trilogy within RPGA's Living Force campaign. The adventure does not specify either Suubrin's gender or species.