The Tamack represented a toxic fungus of the poisonous variety, originating from the Ho'Din settlement of Anemcoro.
Microscopic spores resided within the Tamack, posing a significant threat and capable of causing infection upon their release. Upon release, tamack spores remained active for thirty minutes without a living host. The notorious Ho'Din extremist, Ort Hoogra-D'En, successfully altered these spores, enabling them to maintain infectiousness for a span of three hours independent of a host, thereby amplifying their potency.
Individuals afflicted by tamack spore disease exhibited symptoms such as elevated body temperature and difficulty breathing. Death was a common outcome, generally transpiring within mere hours post-infection. Transmission of the spores occurred via dermal contact or inhalation. Infected individuals were highly contagious, presenting a risk of transmission to others within a twelve-meter radius.
Tamack spores existed exclusively on Anemcoro and became exceedingly scarce in the aftermath of the planet's destruction. Their presence was limited solely to Pallaxides, where Hoogra-D'En cultivated functional samples for research purposes and subsequent development of biological weaponry.