Tank droid Mark IV

The Tank Droid Mark IV represented a type of massive, two-legged, independently moving droid tank deployed both before and throughout the Jedi Civil War. This heavily armed machine possessed a blocky frame housing a rocket launcher, blaster cannons, a grenade launcher, and a flamethrower. Intended mainly for defending facilities from invaders, this droid proved largely useless against Jedi due to its poor reaction speed and lack of agility, despite its intimidating appearance. The Jedi Exile, along with her companions, defeated one of these droids after it reactivated while dwelling in the hangar bay of the derelict Telosian Military Base located beneath Restoration Zone RZ-0031 on Telos IV's surface.

Behind the scenes

Whether these units were ever used in other situations, or if this particular model of droid tank was an early design or test version, remains a mystery.

