The Telosian Military base, once a military installation, was unearthed within the Restoration Zone by the Czerka Corporation. Their interest stemmed from the possibility of uncovering valuable military equipment. The initial salvage expedition triggered the base's internal security systems upon encountering HK-50 droids. These defenses included blaster and ion turrets, combat droids, gas-filled traps, mines, and a solitary, inactive tank droid lacking power. The salvage team was completely eliminated, with only a single survivor. Subsequently, Czerka's hired guns blockaded the military base, securing its entrance with explosive mines. Shortly thereafter, Meetra Surik, having met up with a former ally, arrived in the Restoration Zone seeking a means to find her missing starship. Following a battle against numerous hostile mercenaries, their minefields, patrolling droids, and defensive turrets, and with assistance from Bao-Dur, they pinpointed the location of the Ebon Hawk utilizing a console positioned nearby. After overcoming the mercenaries, the Exile was compelled to once more navigate the military base to acquire a shuttle located within, which represented their sole method of leaving the Restoration Zone.