Taria Damsin

Taria Damsin, hailing from the colony world of Ghaina, was a female Human known for her service within the Jedi Order as both a Jedi Master and a Shadow. She lived during the era of the Clone Wars, and like her contemporary Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, she faced a grim fate, dying from the debilitating effects of Borotavi syndrome.


Taria Damsin's journey began when she was adopted from her parents at a tender age. Notably, she became the first and only Jedi ever to originate from her homeworld, Ghaina. During her formative years spent at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant, Damsin cultivated a deep bond with Obi-Wan Kenobi, which briefly evolved into a romantic relationship. Though their affair was short-lived, it paved the way for an even stronger friendship that endured despite the extensive missions that frequently separated them across the galaxy.

After successfully completing her Jedi Trials and earning the title of Jedi Knight, Damsin embarked on numerous assignments that took her far from the Temple. It was during a mission to Pamina Prime that she unknowingly consumed a poisonous mollusk, leading to her diagnosis of the incurable Borotavi syndrome. Undeterred by her terminal condition, Damsin remained committed to her duties, though she was increasingly confined to the Temple, where she assumed a teaching role. Before her diagnosis, Damsin had distinguished herself as one of the Jedi Order's most skilled Jedi Shadows.

During the Clone Wars, Damsin chose to dedicate herself to mentoring the next generation of Knights rather than accepting the rank of Jedi General. One day, while en route to teach an advanced [lightsaber](/article/lightsaber-legends] class, she encountered Master Kenobi and invited him to assist her, as her usual assistant was suffering from food poisoning. Kenobi agreed, and the two co-taught the class, with Kenobi expressing constant concern over Damsin's perceived overexertion. Later, Damsin bid farewell to Kenobi as he departed on a secret mission assigned by Grand Master Yoda.

While Kenobi was away, Master Yoda summoned Damsin and Padawan Ahsoka Tano to his personal chambers and tasked them with a mission to Corellia. After acquiring suitable disguises from the Temple's wardrobe warehouse, the pair arrived in Coronet and utilized the Transit Authority to reach Visk, a retirement suburb where their target, Mata Fhernan, resided. Discovering that Fhernan was at the market in Tiln, they carefully extracted her with the intention of bringing her back to the Temple. Unbeknownst to Fhernan, an Anzati assassin was tracking her on behalf of Separatist General Lok Durd, who held Fhernan's daughter, Bant'ena, captive. As they escorted Fhernan from the market, aided by the Force, the Jedi were ambushed by the Anzati. They managed to capture him without harming Fhernan. During the attack, Damsin's illness manifested in sharp pains, causing blood to flow from her nose and eyes. Despite her discomfort, she ensured Fhernan's safe transport offworld and back to Coruscant.

After being discharged from the Halls of Healing by Chief Healer Vokara Che, Damsin finally disclosed her illness to Padawan Tano, who, like many of her fellow Jedi, was unaware of her condition.

While awaiting the return of Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker, Damsin proposed that Tano assist her in organizing a tournament for the younger Padawans at the Temple. They each led a team through the simulated environments of an advanced training dojo. Competing against remote training droids, the teams raced to the top of a tower situated in the center of a miniature city replica. Ultimately, their teams achieved a tie.

Upon learning that the Separatists had surrounded Kenobi and Skywalker on Lanteeb and possessed a [bioweapon](/article/bioweapon-legends] facility there, Master Yoda dispatched Damsin to destroy the Separatist bioweapon. She infiltrated the area under the guise of a captured Separatist ship being pursued by Republic forces. The deception worked, and the Separatist blockade defended her from the mock attack, allowing her vessel to pass through their lines. She descended into Lanteeb's atmosphere and intentionally crashed her ship, simulating its destruction with the aid of a deceased operative provided by Senator Bail Prestor Organa. Slightly injured from the crash, Damsin entered the laboratory unnoticed and contacted Fhernan. Damsin informed Fhernan that the rest of her family was safe. The scientist briefly described the bioweapon and ultimately agreed to stay behind and detonate the explosives. Damsin promised to tell Fhernan's mother of her sacrifice and said goodbye. The scientist followed through on her pledge, destroying the lab and bioweapon.

She managed to escape the base before Fhernan blew up the plant, making her way to the village of Torbel where Kenobi and Skywalker were cornered by battle droids. As the droids entered the village, Taria sprinted her way through their ranks, where she was hit by a blaster shot to the upper back. After destroying a number of droids, Kenobi was able to carry the wounded Jedi to safety while Anakin enabled the deflector shield. Thanks to an armored bodysuit supplied for the mission, her injury was superficial, but the exertion caused her illness to worsen.

Damsin informed the two Jedi about the bioweapon's destruction. Kenobi then took her to the healing house of the village. Kenobi brought a girl named Greti, who was Force-sensitive, to help heal Damsin with limited results. After recovering from her wound, Damsin helped keep the shields up as the droid army attacked again, causing one of the generators to collapse. She took command of the defenders to the side of Kenobi and Skywalker and defended the village against the droids as the Republic fleet arrived in time to finish the rest. After the battle was over, the remaining villagers were given sanctuary on the planet of Naboo. However, her exertions on the surface of Lanteeb had cost her considerably and her Boratavi syndrome was no longer in remission. By the time she departed Lanteeb, Kenobi believed she had only weeks to live despite Republic medical care.

Personality and traits

Many of her peers considered Damsin, a strong woman, to be an unusual Jedi. Known for her eagerness to embark on missions and leave the Temple, she had a reputation for bending the rules while maintaining sound judgment. Refusing to allow her terminal illness to hinder her, she rejected pity and preferred to be addressed as Taria rather than Master Damsin.

