Tark Squad was an exceptional clone commando team. During the Clone Wars, this team belonged to the Special Operations Brigade within the Grand Army of the Republic. The squad consisted of four Thyrsian mercenaries who had received training from Sarsius Torne, a Thyrsus Sun Guard. Although the Jedi believed their training occurred on Kamino alongside other commandos, their actual training took place in the [Dark Worlds]. Prior to their insertion into the Grand Army of the Republic by the deranged mutant terrorist Zeta Magnus, who was aided by SBI agent Trachta. The clones possessed cybernetic control bands that ensured absolute obedience and a lack of remorse. It's possible that the members of Tark Squad were clones of Sarsius himself. "Tark" translates to "Four" in the Thyrsian language.
Nilo could be identified by the pauldron he wore, which set him apart from the rest of Tark Squad. His name, Nilo, also means "Zero" in Thyrsian. Nilo had a strong preference for the word "optimal," choosing it over more common clone slang when giving positive feedback. Ironically, Nilo met his end when he was incinerated by a Class-D detonator.
Quo's designation was the Thyrsian word signifying "Two."
Kupe was clad in standard clone commando armor, featuring a silver finish consistent with most of his squad. He displayed a notable interest in the Jedi and their Force abilities, frequently posing questions to his Jedi commanders about them. Kupe's name translates to "Three" in the Thyrsian language.