TDC, also known as Tasty Dried Critters, was a fast food business. This franchise was situated in Mos Eisley, which is on Tatooine. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, it was under the ownership of Mon Calamari chef Byxle Pedette.

Following the Battle of Yavin, the sole TDC restaurant in Mos Eisley belonged to Byxle Pedette, a Mon Calamari chef. Mos Eisley is a city on the planet of Tatooine, located in the Outer Rim. The restaurant's menu included items like dried gnort, chewy chuba (both frequently ordered), as well as fungus dippers. Pedette also had plans to feature squill meat on the menu.
During the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic_civil_war-legends], Tasty Dried Critters was experiencing a high volume of orders. Due to the demand, Pedette enlisted a passing spacer for a freelance delivery job, offering a few credits for the delivery of three additional orders. The spacer accepted the offer, and Pedette provided the delivery addresses. He also allowed the spacer to keep any tips earned, reminding them of the company's motto: "TDC is not fast food, it's food delivered fast."
Upon arriving at the first delivery location, the residence of Drixa Dreul, a female Human, Drixa discovered that Pedette had forgotten to include the fungus dippers she had ordered. After the initial delivery, Pedette contacted the spacer, informing them that Dreul had not paid for the missing fungus dippers or a tip. He dismissed the issue, stating that Drixa always found something to complain about. The subsequent delivery was to the home of Nogri Hessen, a [Trandoshan](/article/trandoshan-legends]. Upon arrival, the spacer discovered that the stuffed chuba was still alive and consuming the rest of the order. The Trandoshan did not pay for the delivery, but Pedette called and said that Hessen told him about the food and believed him and said he'd still pay him for the delivery. Pedette also cautioned the spacer about the next location, as it was the residence of Jano Bix, the leader of a swoop gang.
The spacer arrived at the delivery location and was promptly surrounded by swoop riders. The delivery to Bix initially proceeded smoothly until the four chubas, intended for delivery, attacked both Bix and the spacer. After eliminating the chubas, Bix threatened the spacer, who attempted to reason with him, explaining that Pedette had simply made an error. Bix relented and allowed the spacer to leave. Upon returning to Pedette, the spacer received payment and was dismissed.
Tasty Dried Critters was featured in the video game Star Wars Galaxies in 2003. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. TDC was integrated into the game with the release of "Publish 25", also known as the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005.