Tempest Feud represents a softcover addition to the Star Wars Roleplaying Game created by Wizards of the Coast. Jeff Grubb and Owen K.C. Stephens authored it, with a publication date of March 2002. The novel Scourge, penned by Jeff Grubb and released on April 24, 2012, retells the Tempest Feud story in novel form, taking place in 19 ABY.
The adventure begins with Popara, an influential Hutt crime lord, tasking the player characters with a compassionate undertaking. However, as is typical when dealing with the Hutts, there are hidden complications. Specifically, the heroes are not only responsible for delivering essential medicinal spice to a planet suffering from a plague, but they also have to navigate a Corporate Sector Authority blockade to locate Popara's lost child, Mika.
While searching for and saving Mika, the heroes will encounter space pirates, engage with CSA blockade forces, and may even join a caravan in their quest to find Mika's refuge. Furthermore, they will discover that an unknown entity is actively working against their success, an entity that would greatly benefit from Mika's demise.