
Thandruss, a planet of the terrestrial type, existed within the Thand sector of the Expansion Region. This world served as the original homeworld for the Krytollaks, sentient beings characterized by their warm-blooded nature and robust, armored exteriors. The Krytollak social structure was divided into a working class and a ruling royal class, with governance under a planet-wide absolute monarchy.

When the galactic community first encountered Thandruss, the Krytollaks' technological advancement was at the level of rudimentary steam power. Thandruss was subsequently integrated into the Galactic Empire, leading to a universal Krytollak veneration of Emperor Palpatine.


Thandruss, a terrestrial planet, was positioned within the star system bearing the same designation. It was situated within the Thand sector of the vast Expansion Region. Two moons followed an orbital path around this world. The planet's composition included carbon-based rock formations and deposits of coal. The flora of Thandruss consisted of trees and various vegetables. Moreover, the planet was inhabited by diverse animal species, which the Krytollak people utilized to pull wagons in their early societal development.


At the time of Thandruss's discovery by the greater galactic community, the indigenous Krytollaks possessed a relatively underdeveloped technology base. Their methods included using animal-drawn carts for movement and the burning of wood and coal to produce the heat and energy necessary for basic steam-driven machinery. Krytollak communities also made use of simple radionics broadcasts to stay up-to-date on events occurring across the planet. The Krytollaks measured the passage of time using the orbital cycles of Thandruss's moons. Throughout their entire recorded history, the Krytollaks had been consistently governed by a single, all-powerful monarch.

Shortly before the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War between the forces of the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, Thandruss was absorbed into the Empire. Devir, the Krytollak empress who had served for a period of twenty years, acknowledged Galactic Emperor Palpatine as the supreme authority, thereby aligning the entire Krytollak species with the Empire. Following Thandruss's inclusion in the broader galactic society, the subsequent interstellar trade led to a rapid acceleration in the Krytollaks' own technological capabilities. Ultimately, with the consent of Thandruss's ruling nobles, many Krytollaks departed their homeworld to explore the wider galaxy. As time passed, some cantina proprietors in star systems located near Thandruss grew uneasy whenever Krytollaks entered their establishments, because of the species' tendency to engage in fights and seek retribution when insulted or provoked.


Thandruss was the homeworld of the Krytollaks.

Thandruss was the original world of the Krytollaks, a sentient warm-blooded species characterized by both an internal skeleton and a strong external shell composed of numerous plates. Krytollaks were vegetarian but supplemented their diet with rocks to obtain trace elements vital for the growth of their shells. The inhabitants of Thandruss considered both plants and rocks imported from other planets to be highly prized delicacies.

The Krytollaks maintained a strict social hierarchy consisting of two distinct tiers: the worker class, which comprised over 96 percent of the planet's inhabitants, and the royal class, which formed the government wielding authority over the entire Krytollak home planet. Their system of governance was based on an absolute monarchy, with Empress Devir ruling at the time of the Galactic Civil War.

However, the ultimate object of Krytollak veneration was the Galactic Emperor, leading the Thandruss government to become a firm supporter of the Galactic Empire. The latter maintained a presence on Thandruss, including a local Imperial advisor. The Empire demanded increasing amounts of tribute and tax revenue from the Krytollaks, whose admiration for the Emperor did not extend to the Imperial bureaucracy. Nevertheless, the robes worn by Krytollaks on Thandruss were designed to emulate the clothing of Imperial officers and members of the aristocracy.


Before their civilization established contact with the wider galaxy, the Krytollaks of Thandruss constructed rudimentary roads across their homeworld. By the time Thandruss had become part of the Galactic Empire, the Krytollak population centers on the planet consisted of small communities and villages. Each Krytollak noble held dominion over a specific area of Thandruss.

Behind the scenes

Thandruss was conceived by Harry Heckel and first appeared in Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies, a 1995 resource book for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas situated the Thandruss system, and consequently the planet Thandruss, within grid square J-15.


  • Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies (First mentioned)
  • Alien Encounters

Notes and references
