
The Krytollaks were a species of sentient beings, armored mammals that were native to the planet called Thandruss. Governed by an empress, they maintained a strict social order, firmly believing that absolute monarchy represented the only logical system of governance, both on their world and throughout the galaxy. After Palpatine declared himself Galactic Emperor at the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the Krytollak empress, named Devir, acknowledged his legitimacy to rule, and her people became devoted allies of the newly formed Galactic Empire. Under the Empire's control, the Krytollaks experienced an era of unparalleled technological advancement, and some of them ventured beyond their homeworld for the first time, integrating into the broader galactic community as merchants, mercenaries, or even bounty hunters.

Biological Traits and Physical Appearance

Krytollaks were sentient, endothermic humanoid creatures belonging to the mammalian class. In addition to having internal skeletons, they possessed armored exoskeletons, typically brown or black, which gave them an insectoid appearance. Certain Krytollaks displayed green exoskeletons, a trait regarded as a sign of noble heritage, granting them access to positions of power. Krytollaks often adorned their exoskeletons with paint, with nobles commonly decorating theirs with their family crests. A Krytollak's exoskeleton grew alongside their body throughout their entire life. Krytollaks continued to grow indefinitely—older Krytollaks could reach heights of up to three meters, with females typically being ten to twenty centimeters taller than males of the same age. Their mouths and dark brown or black eyes were visible within the gaps between their exoskeleton plates. While they could perceive sound through vibrations felt through their exoskeletons, they lacked a sense of smell. The Krytollak lifespan extended to approximately one standard century, with minimal decline in physical strength as they aged. Krytollaks primarily ate vegetables and carbon-based rocks, with vegetables and rocks from other planets considered delicacies.

Societal Structure and Cultural Norms

Krytollaks adhered to a strict societal and political hierarchy, believing that their leaders were divinely ordained to govern. Their society was divided into two classes: the worker class, comprising 96% of the population, and the royal class. Royal Krytollaks were those born with green exoskeletons, as well as the brown-shelled offspring of green-shelled royals. If brown-shelled royals produced brown-shelled children, those children were relegated to the worker class. Royals received education from birth to prepare them for administrative roles. Based on their performance, they could advance from leading small villages to holding more influential positions. At the pinnacle of their society stood a single monarch. Krytollaks viewed a single ruler as the only logical method of organizing society, which explains their rapid acceptance of a galaxywide monarchy. They did not question their social structure or their place within it. In fact, they harbored deep distrust for democracy, which they perceived as excessively prone to error and riddled with corruption.

Krytollaks rarely initiated conversation unless directly spoken to. They often appeared indifferent, but this was simply because they were remarkably patient, preferring to wait until they had a complete understanding of a situation before intervening. While this made them difficult to anger, they were also very slow to forgive any offense. Amongst themselves, they favored violent forms of entertainment. Many social gatherings involved relatively friendly brawls, as their thick exoskeletons prevented serious injuries in hand-to-hand combat. Serious matters of honor among nobles were resolved through duels using melee weapons (as ranged weapons were considered dishonorable). Vibroblades were highly valued, although they could only be acquired through trade with offworlders.

Historical Context

The Krytollaks evolved on Thandruss, a planet situated within the Expansion Region of the galaxy. Prior to their initial contact with the Empire, the Krytollaks possessed only early industrial technology, including steam engines and rudimentary radionics broadcasting. Despite their limited technology, they had established a unified planetary government. Empress Devir, who commenced her reign around 20 BBY, swiftly recognized Palpatine as her rightful sovereign and accepted Imperial advisors to assist in her governance. As a consequence of Imperial influence, Krytollak nobles began adopting robes that imitated Imperial court attire or uniforms. The gray color of Imperial military uniforms was exclusively reserved for nobles. Under Imperial rule, Thandruss benefited from accelerated technological advancements and trade with corporations and alien species allied with the Empire (such as the Sullustans and the Herglics). However, many Krytollaks resented the high Imperial taxes that accompanied these advantages. Nevertheless, they remained steadfastly loyal to the Emperor, attributing the blame to the Emperor's subordinates instead.

Krytollaks' Role in the Galaxy

Under the Galactic Empire, some nobles departed Thandruss in pursuit of fame and fortune as mercenaries, bounty hunters, or traders. Some members of the worker caste labored as manual workers offworld. Other Krytollaks were conscripted into Imperial service, a duty they considered a great privilege. Despite their pro-Imperial stance, a small number of Krytollaks aligned themselves with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. These Krytollaks still regarded themselves as loyal to Palpatine—their sole grievance lay with specific Imperial Governors and Moffs whom they perceived as corrupt servants of the legitimate galactic ruler. They believed that if the transgressions of these servants were exposed, Palpatine would restore justice.

Some Krytollak served as spies, infiltrating the Alliance to Restore the Republic to gather intelligence for the Galactic Empire.

Sources of Information

  • Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies (First mentioned)
  • Alien Encounters (mentioned in index only)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Additional Information and References
