Thaymes Fodrick

Thaymes Fodrick, a Human Male, served in Sharr Latt's Wraith Squadron unit in 44 ABY. He specialized as a computer slicer and was adept at communications tasks. He initially encountered Myri Antilles, who belonged to Bhindi Drayson's Wraith Squadron unit, at a Vandor-3 bar during their respective missions aimed at revealing the corruption of Galactic Alliance General Stavin Thaal and his connection to the Lecersen Conspiracy. During their initial encounter, Antilles used the alias Rima when introducing herself to Fodrick, while Fodrick went by the name Kirdoff.

Following the meeting of both Drayson's and Latt's Wraith units during the infiltration of the Caridan animal exhibit, from which Thaal conducted his illicit operations, the units merged into a single entity, even after Drayson's death during the operation. This integration ultimately led to the successful apprehension of Thaal on the planet of Kuratooine.

