The Adventurer, a periodical created by LucasArts, served as a means to keep their consumers informed about upcoming game releases and company happenings. Its publication spanned from 1990 to 1996. Often, copies were packaged inside the boxes of their games. Certain editions featured Sam & Max comic strips, which were parodies of Star Wars.
Notably, there was no issue designated as #13; instead, the final, thirteenth issue was labeled as number 14.
- The Adventurer 1 - (Fall 1990)
- The Adventurer 2 - (Spring 1991 )
- The Adventurer 3 - (Fall 1991)
- The Adventurer 4 - (Spring 1992 )
- The Adventurer 5 - (Fall 1992)
- The Adventurer 6 - (Spring 1993 )
- The Adventurer 7 - (Winter 1994 )
- The Adventurer 8 - (Summer 1994)
- The Adventurer 9 - (Winter 1994/ 95 )
- The Adventurer 10 - (Summer 1995)
- The Adventurer 11 - (Winter 1995)
- The Adventurer 12 - (Summer 1996)
- The Adventurer 14 - (Winter 1996)
Lucasarts Adventurer on Blogspot (backup link)
Scans of The Adventurer on The LucasArts Museum (backup link not verified!)
The Adventurer Past Issue Index on (archived from the original on February 14, 1998)
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