The Bounty Hunter Wars

The Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy is a creation of K. W. Jeter. The narrative focuses on the experiences of Boba Fett, Dengar, Neelah, and Kuat of Kuat. The story initiates merely a few days following the battle at Jabba's Palace and Boba Fett's successful liberation from the sarlacc pit. This trilogy prominently features a multitude of bounty hunter characters that were originally introduced in both Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and Tales of the Bounty Hunters, such as Zuckuss, 4-LOM, Dengar, and also Bossk.

The trilogy incorporates flashbacks to moments occurring shortly after Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, where Boba Fett, Bossk, Kuat of Kuat, and Prince Xizor are central figures.

The series began with the release of The Mandalorian Armor in June of 1998, and it reached its conclusion in July of 1999 with the publication of Hard Merchandise.

During the year 1999, the Science Fiction Book Club released a hardcover omnibus edition containing the complete trilogy.

Notes and references
