"The Brink" is a narrative featured in Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 4.
A faint distress call captures Anakin Skywalker's attention as he idles in the Outer Rim Territories, awaiting new instructions. He departs without the consent of his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and arrives at what appears to be a deserted space station called the Brink of the Celestial Wake. During his investigation, Anakin discovers the deceased bodies of all the stationed clone troopers. He then encounters another Jedi Knight, Serra Keto. Serra urges immediate departure, but Anakin is determined to continue. They face an attack by pink blobs that have metal attached to their backs. When Anakin slashes at them with his lightsaber, they revive and dart into another room. The Jedi duo pursues the pink blobs and discovers two enormous OG-9 homing spider droids entirely composed of the blobs. Thinking swiftly, Anakin employs the Force to create a breach in the station's wall, pulling the spider droids out into space, but also causing the station to break apart. As space's vacuum begins to dismantle the station, Anakin attempts to engage the station's emergency ray shields. Keto quickly dissuades Anakin, explaining that the only way to eliminate the pink blobs is to let the station self-destruct, taking them with it. Despite this, Anakin refuses to concede defeat easily, and the pair manages a narrow escape.