The Brothers, sometimes referred to as simply Brothers, were a group of fanatical slaver adherents and one of the five governing powers on Mek-Sha following the events of Huttbreaker's Rebellion. They engaged in the trade of numerous slaves to the Sith Empire around 3627 BBY.
Operating out of the Brothers Oversight Center on Mek-Sha, the Brothers were a merciless and mysterious slaver syndicate active around 3627 BBY. As zealots, they revered labor, viewing it as a form of freedom in contrast to idleness, which they regarded as their adversary. Considering war refugees to be proponents of idleness, the Brothers captured and sold them into slavery, effectively transforming them into instruments of labor. Being against the Galactic Republic due to its prohibition of slavery, these slavers collaborated with the Sith Empire, becoming their primary purchasers. The slave trade enabled the group to amass considerable wealth.
The organization suffered a significant setback when Arn Peralun, a Jedi Padawan who had cultivated a profound aversion to slavery on Dakot Seven, succumbed to his rage and, without the approval of his master's, murdered many members of the Brothers. Lana Beniko expressed concern that this abrupt incident would seriously impede the Sith Empire's military endeavors during the third Galactic War.