The Clone Wars: The Fall of Falleen

"The Clone Wars: The Fall of Falleen" is a digital comic book spanning seven pages, accessible via the webcomic format. It is a part of the larger Star Wars: The Clone Wars webcomic series and its narrative precedes the events of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television episode titled "Downfall of a Droid." This particular comic was released on on November 7 of 2008. The creative team behind "The Fall of Falleen" included Pablo Hidalgo as the writer, Thomas Hodges as the illustrator, and Grant Gould responsible for the lettering. The story of "The Fall of Falleen" centers around the actions of Asajj Ventress and Count Dooku during the concluding moments of a battle that took place on the planet of Falleen.

Plot summary

The forces of the Separatist alliance are shown to be occupying the planet known as Falleen. C-9979 landing craft are actively deploying ground troops, with air support provided by Hyena-class droid bombers. A battle droid relays information to General Grievous, who holds the title of Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies, stating that a specific city has been captured, with the exception of a single shielded fortress. Grievous instructs the droid to proceed with the troop deployment, mentioning that the shield issue is being addressed.

Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress, who has successfully infiltrated the fortress, is noticed by a TT-8L gatekeeper droid. On a viewscreen, the King of Falleen becomes aware of her presence and dispatches his electrostaff-wielding Dashade bodyguards to confront her. However, Ventress proves to be superior to the electrostaffs, as she wields lightsabers. She kills two of the bodyguards and then utilizes the Force to neutralize the gatekeeper droids. Unable to continue observing the fight, the king equips himself with a blaster and a thermal detonator and exits his command center, intending to face the assassin directly. As Ventress dispatches the final Dashade, the king prepares to fire upon her with a blaster pistol, but he is instead surprised by Count Dooku. Dooku had strategically used Ventress as a distraction to draw the king away from his secure command center, while the destruction of the gatekeeper droids meant that the king was unaware of Dooku's infiltration of the fortress. Dooku commands the king to deactivate the fortress's shields and to pledge the planet's allegiance to the Separatists.


"The Clone Wars: The Fall of Falleen" is a seven-page digital webcomic that is part of the larger Star Wars: The Clone Wars webcomic series, which serves as a companion to the television series of the same name. In terms of chronology, "The Fall of Falleen" occurs before the events of "Downfall of a Droid," which is the sixth episode of the first season of the television show. The comic was made available on on November 7, 2008, and its creation involved Pablo Hidalgo as the writer, Thomas Hodges as the artist, and Grant Gould handling the lettering. "The Fall of Falleen" portrays a battle on the planet Falleen, a conflict that receives mention in both "Downfall of a Droid" and the novel The Clone Wars: Wild Space, authored by Karen Miller. Furthermore, it marked the initial appearance of the Hyena-class droid bomber, which would later be featured in the television series.

