The Contessa's homeworld

A planet was governed by the lineage of the individual called "the Contessa," a human. For several centuries, her family had held dominion over the planet from within a palace, and the Contessa was of the opinion that their rule had been kind. An ambassador was dispatched to the planet by the Galactic Empire, but the Contessa's family denied the Empire's presence, under the assumption that they would not come back. However, within a span of five years, the Empire had killed all members of the ruling family except for the Contessa and had enslaved the planet's population, who had initially welcomed the Empire as saviors. After the Empire's defeat by the Rebel Alliance during the Battle of Endor, the Contessa, who had become a rebel pilot, made her way back to her homeworld to run for the office of president.

Behind the scenes

The planet where the Contessa originated was initially referenced within the pages of Lost Stars, a novel authored by Claudia Gray and released to the public in 2015.

