"The Eyes of Revolution," a comic book of 14 pages, appears within Star Wars: Visionaries. It was both authored and illustrated by Warren Fu.
On the planet of Kalee, Qymaen jai Sheelal, the Kaleesh General, approaches a shuttle. As his Izvoshra protectors embark, a Kaleesh offers a blessing, declaring that the hopes of the Kaleesh against the Huk rest with him. He boards the shuttle, and it departs.

During the flight, a hidden device explodes. A cloaked figure observes the shuttle's destruction using electrobinoculars. Sheelal's escape pod is ejected from the wreckage, landing in the water. Later, a Banking Clan barge arrives at the crash site. Two Magna Guards, overseen by the cloaked figure, retrieve the legless general from the water. As a medical droid assesses Sheelal's condition, the figure uses Force lightning to revive him, acting as a defibrillator. The figure, deeming the general ready for experimentation, orders the droids to transport him to Geonosis. Holding Sheelal's Kaleesh mask, the figure removes his hood, revealing himself as Count Dooku.

Sheelal awakens inside a green bacta tank, greeted by San Hill. Hill explains that an InterGalactic Banking Clan frigate salvaged his escape pod and brought him to Geonosis. Sheelal desires to return to Kalee and his troops, but Hill informs him he wouldn't survive the journey. Hill then offers an experimental treatment. Sheelal is interested in returning to battle and indifferent to the Separatist "New Order". Though the Kaleesh seems to accept the offer, Dooku recognizes his insincere agreement and orders Poggle the Lesser to keep Sheelal in the tank longer. Dooku then reveals the cryogenically preserved body of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, a former friend, to Poggle.
Months pass, and Sheelal is revealed in his final cyborg form. Dooku presents him with Sifo-Dyas' weapon as a gift. Sheelal sits in the darkness, consumed by brooding. Dooku informs his master, Darth Sidious, that the experiment succeeded. Sheelal's mind has been altered, eliminating his carnality, but retaining his anger, pride, and strategic brilliance. While Dooku speaks with Sidious, Sheelal, enraged at being called a droid, explodes in fury, attacking his own IG-100 MagnaGuards. After brutally destroying them, Sheelal turns to the window. As one of the damaged MagnaGuards repeats what's wrong endlessly, the seething Sheelal responds:
When Count Dooku views General Grievous' ship through macrobinoculars, the screen displays "ACTIV[panel ends]" in Aurebesh. As the device detonates, the screen in front of Grievous shows "LOW". After the explosion, a screen outside the bacta tank reads "AM I DEAD" (Grievous's question to San Hill).