Unidentified Kaleesh holy man

A sacred Kaleesh priest convened with his fellow Kaleesh, Grievous, before the commander's mission to participate in the resumed Huk War. At a landing zone, Grievous offered a bow to the Kaleesh priest, who then marked him with crimson paint and implored their forebears to protect him.


The holy man watches Grievous depart

A religious figure of the Kaleesh race existed during the period of the renewed Huk War around 29 BBY. Following the desecration of several sacred Kaleesh burial sites on the settlement planet Oben by the Yam'rii, a group scornfully referred to as the Huk by the Kaleesh, the Kaleesh General Grievous journeyed back to his native world Kalee to prepare for retribution. At the hallowed temple of Shrupak, Grievous kneeled before the priest, who was convinced that the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order had disregarded Kaleesh pleas and favored the Yam'rii.

The priest proclaimed Grievous as the "last hope" for his people, bestowing a blessing upon the commander by painting crimson symbols across his face with a digit. The priest then sanctified Grievous, beseeching the spirits of their ancestors to safeguard him and his troops, a sentiment to which the general replied by stating that he would be secure as long as his vessel, the Martyr, remained intact. The Kaleesh individual observed Grievous's departure by air, a journey that was prematurely ended by sabotage orchestrated by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, who desired to enlist Grievous.

Personality and traits

The Kaleesh priest possessed reddish skin and keen, white fingernails. He was of the belief that the Republic and the Jedi demonstrated partiality toward the Yam'rii, and that Grievous represented the species' last chance for justice. The priest invoked Grievous's ancestors to bless him, and the general bowed before the Kaleesh to accept his blessing, despite Grievous's status as a legendary figure among his own people.


During the meeting with Grievous, the Kaleesh priest carried a white, gnarled walking stick and a brown pouch. The individual was attired in a white garment, two white bands on each arm, and a head adorned with an animal cranium.

Behind the scenes

The Kaleesh priest was featured in "The Eyes of Revolution," a graphic novel story penned and drawn by Warren Fu, which was included in the anthology Star Wars: Visionaries, which was released on April 2, 2005.

