The High Republic: Defy the Storm is the audio rendition of the novel of the same title, authored collaboratively by Tessa Gratton and Justina Ireland. Amber Lee Connors lent her voice to the narration, and its release date was March 5, 2024.
Star Wars: The High Republic, a series that has topped the New York Times best-seller list, continues its saga…. In service of light and life! A year has passed since the destruction of Starlight Beacon, leaving the galaxy in disarray. The Nihil, a group promoting anarchy, have seized control of a region of space now called the Occlusion Zone. Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh and scientist Avon Starros join forces, endeavoring to discover a route through the Nihil Stormwall to rescue those trapped beyond it. However, what are the true objectives of the Nihil? Furthermore, what role do the nameless entities capable of annihilating the Jedi Order play? The conflict is only beginning….__
- ISBN 9780525529064 ; Released on March 5, 2024; Published by Disney–Lucasfilm Press ; Available as a Digital audiobook [4]