The Lesson (Obi-Wan & Anakin)

"The Lesson," a tale found within the pages of Star Wars (2020) 25, is a comic narrative centered around Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Charles Soule penned the story, while Ramon Rosanas and Rachelle Rosenberg provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it to the public on July 20, 2022.

Plot summary

Near the Uneti Tree outside the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, are about to engage in a training duel, reaching for their lightsabers. However, before the sparring can commence, Anakin begins to question the nature and purpose of lightsabers. As their lightsabers clash, Anakin wonders aloud why the Jedi's weapon of choice is the lightsaber, considering the immense power of kyber crystals could be used to create other weapons, like spears or blasters. When Anakin suggests he might construct a new weapon using a kyber crystal, Obi-Wan uses the Force to disarm him, revealing that he once entertained similar thoughts during his own Padawan days. He had envisioned two short-bladed sabers connected by thin chains, but Qui-Gon responded to his idea by telling Obi-Wan what Obi-Wan is now relaying to Anakin.

Obi-Wan explains to Anakin that the lightsaber reflects the Jedi's desired image: not one of raw power, but of unwavering defense against the darkness. The uniformity of their weapon, with only minor variations, symbolizes this ideal. While they could create kyber bombs or blasters (a few of which are secured within the Archives), such weapons are accessible to anyone. In contrast, only a select few can wield a lightsaber with the necessary skill and safety. The Jedi want their adversaries to understand that they wield a weapon demanding intention, training, precision, and conscious choice.

Obi-Wan returns Anakin's lightsaber, clarifying that the weapon embodies the care they apply to their Force-given abilities, reminding others that their restraint is deliberate. They opt for a weapon with inherent limitations and challenges, unsuitable for indiscriminate destruction, ensuring that every death or injury inflicted is a carefully considered decision. This communicates to the galaxy that the Jedi are protectors, not destroyers. Anakin points out that the Sith also use lightsabers, but Obi-Wan believes the Sith do so out of a misguided belief that they can surpass the Jedi in all things. However, they are mistaken. With that, Obi-Wan and Anakin prepare once more to resume their duel.

