The Mother's listening room

The locale known as the Mother's listening room, alternatively referred to as the Mother's listening chamber, was situated inside the Path of the Open Hand's network of underground caverns located on the planet Dalna. This space served as a reception area where the Mother, the leader of the Path, would receive both visitors and members of the Path, as well as conduct meetings with the Path's Elders. Positioned in the higher reaches of the cavern system, access to the listening room was gained by descending a staircase from the Mother's cottage. The specific cavern designated as the listening room was characterized by its dry and warm atmosphere, adorned with stalactites and stalagmites that incorporated natural sun opal deposits, which captured and reflected light. Its interior was furnished with floor cushions and dense carpets in shades of gray and blue. Shelves were sculpted directly into the stone walls, and a compact computer terminal was placed in one of the corners. The room's adjacent antechambers housed Force artifacts gathered by Path members from across the galaxy. A separate anteroom was used for storing clean Path robes. A connected boudoir functioned as the Mother's personal bedroom, where she stored her valuable jewels.

While it incubated, the Mother kept a Nameless egg in the listening chamber. During an encounter in the chamber, Jedi Kevmo Zink and Zallah Macri confronted the Mother regarding the Path's thievery of Force artifacts; the newly-hatched Nameless, known as the Leveler, killed Macri and injured Zink, who subsequently escaped, only to perish elsewhere in the cavern system. Later, Azlin Rell, in her search for Macri and Zink, discovered Macri's calcified remains within the chamber. Following the Path's return to Dalna after the Battle of Jedha, the Mother resumed using the room, keeping the fully-grown Leveler by her side. During the events of the Night of Sorrow, a conflict unfolded in the listening chamber, leading to the death of the Herald. The majority of the Path's caverns faced destruction when Yana and Marda Ro made the decision to detonate explosives, flooding the young Nameless brood, and the remaining members of the Path abandoned Dalna after the Night of Sorrow.

