The Needles existed within the Jundland Wastes of Tatooine, a planet characterized by its desert environment. During the stormy season and the hottest times of year, the Tusken Raiders, who are native to Tatooine and lead a nomadic lifestyle, would gather in the Needles, establishing temporary settlements. They remained there until the weather improved, allowing them to continue their nomadic existence. Because of the Tuskens' typically aggressive behavior, outsiders generally steered clear of the Needles, perceiving it as a place of fear.
Within established Star Wars canon, the Needles received its initial mention in the 2015 reference work titled Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know. This area was initially created in the Star Wars Legends timeline, appearing for the first time in The Illustrated Star Wars Universe, a 1995 reference book authored by Kevin J. Anderson. Later, the Needles made its debut in the comic book Star Wars (1998) 9, penned by Timothy Truman, with illustrations by Rod Pereira, and released by Dark Horse Comics on August 25, 1999.