Star Wars (1998) 9

Outlander, Part 3, the ninth installment in the Star Wars: Republic comic book saga, saw its release on August 25, 1999. Dark Horse Comics was responsible for its publication.

Synopsis from the Publisher

The most resilient inhabitants of the galaxy are needed to endure the scorching sands of Tatooine for extended periods. Therefore, one can only ponder the strength possessed by the wandering Tusken Raiders who call this harsh environment home. However, even Sharad Hett, the toughest of the Sand People, might find it impossible to survive an assault by the fearsome krayt dragon, Tatooine's apex predator, unless Jedi Ki-Adi-Mundi steps in to provide assistance!

Storyline Summary

As the group riding in the speeder provided by Jabba gradually approach Ki-Adi-Mundi, he retaliates, eliminating them all, but simultaneously destroying the speeder. Now stuck in the desert with a fractured arm, Ki commences what appears to be a futile quest to locate the vanished Jedi Master. Simultaneously, in another part of the desert, Aurra Sing is hunting both Jedi.

