The Pumpkin Batch

title: The Pumpkin Batch

"The Pumpkin Batch" can be described as a non-canon short film from LEGO animation, released online on September 15, 2021. It was presented as a segment of the LEGO STAR WARS: Celebrate the Season webseries.

Official description

Within a spooky pumpkin patch setting, the Bad Batch engage and neutralize droid sentries to gather pumpkins for a grateful community. Everything appears to proceed smoothly, until the unexpected arrival of an old friend disrupts their plans.

Plot summary

The story begins with multiple B1 battle droids patrolling a pumpkin-filled forest. One of the droids detects movement within the shadowy, foggy woods, and approaches a makeshift scarecrow. The droid is surprised when his fellow droids are suddenly seized. The battle droid runs away, only to encounter the elite Clone troopers known as the "Bad Batch." The droid raises his blaster, but Wrecker tackles him. After the droid is subdued, Tech connects a datapad and reprograms him.

Subsequently, the Bad Batch are shown loading pumpkins onto their Omicron-class attack shuttle, the Marauder. The reprogrammed battle droid assists by carrying several pumpkins. After the loading is complete, the battle droid attempts to join them, but is ejected from the Marauder. The Bad Batch then take off, leaving the battle droid behind.

Later on, the Bad Batch deliver the pumpkins to the villagers, who cheer their arrival. However, their celebration is cut short by the arrival of their former comrade, CT-9904 ("Crosshair"), who shoots at a pumpkin. The Bad Batch quickly escape aboard their shuttle, leaving "Crosshair" enraged. A young boy offers him a pumpkin, but he dismisses it. The boy then kicks him in the shin, causing "Crosshair" to limp in pain.

