The 8-page comic, "The Secret Tales of Luke's Hand!", appeared in Star Wars Tales 8. Henry Gilroy penned the story, while Dario Brizuela created the artwork. Steve Dutro handled the lettering, and Cara L. Niece was responsible for the coloring.
The story unfolds in 11 ABY, which is seven years following the Battle of Endor. Anakin Solo, a four-year-old, was unable to fall asleep at the Palace of the New Republic located on Coruscant. His mother, Leia Organa Solo, encouraged Han Solo to speak with Anakin, as he was reluctant to confide in her.
Upon entering Anakin's room, Han was questioned about why Luke Skywalker, his uncle, was always wearing a glove. Anakin revealed to his father that he was aware something had befallen Luke's hand. Han then began to narrate the tale of how Luke fought his father, Darth Vader, in Cloud City above the planet Bespin. During this confrontation, Luke's hand was severed. However, it managed to survive the ordeal!
Thus, the story commences.
Anakin was thrilled by the story and expressed his desire to become Luke's hand when he grew up. He then inquired about what had happened to Luke's thumb, almost initiating a potentially endless series of parodies centered around the appendages of significant characters. However, his father informed him that the story would be continued on another night, as it was past his bedtime.
Han bid his son goodnight and exited the room, only to be confronted by his wife, who asked, "The Emperor's Foot?" Han responded, "What? No harm done."
Back in his room, Anakin was engaged in "pitting" his fingers against his toes.