This article, entitled "The Vaynai Archipelago", is a resource for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, and it appeared in Star Wars Gamer issue number 8. Peter M. Schweighofer penned the writing, while Ramón Pérez provided the illustrations.
Because this article refrains from referencing any elements exclusive to periods beyond the three gameplay eras present in the first edition of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game as outlined in its main rulebook - specifically, the era surrounding Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the Rebellion era, and the New Jedi Order era - game masters can incorporate the settings and adventure ideas from this article into any of those eras.
This freedom from temporal constraints is also highlighted in the related adventure, "Topside Infiltration," also featured in Star Wars Gamer 8. However, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, a 2008 publication, clarified that the island tourism on Vaynai, as depicted in the article, was already attracting wealthy and prominent figures during the rule of the Galactic Empire. Furthermore, it confirmed that Preena Jallop and Whuvumm were operating their individual enterprises concurrently.