Herwint Tiks, more commonly known as "The Warden," held the position of warden at the Korvix Vorn penal ship during the High Republic Era, despite being a disgraced enforcer from the Nihil. He tasked Niv Drendow Apruk, a Nihil scientist, with identifying any Jedi among the inmates.
This warden character originated as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic initiative, with their initial mention appearing in an interview between Daniel José Older and Alyssa Wong. This interview was published on StarWars.com on January 23, 2024. Subsequently, the character was referenced in The High Republic: Escape from Valo, a junior novel co-authored by Older and Wong, released on January 30 of the same year as part of Phase III of the project. Older clarified via Twitter that the pronouns "they'll" and "their" used in the Escape from Valo passage about the warden pertained to the prison ship itself, and not the pronouns of the Nihil character.