Three stormtroopers

Stormies8000bby The journey of some stormtroopers to a bygone era. On the planet of Bedlam, these three stormtroopers were pursuing Princess Leia Organa. They soon came across four spirits: Tilotny, Horliss-Horliss, Cold Danda Sine and Splendid Ap, who made the decision to "play" with them. By transforming her heart into a diamond, Tilotny killed Organa, and a stormtrooper suffered a complete transformation into a diamond as well. The remaining two attempted to flee, but Tilotny combined them into one. After she was done playing, she instructed Splendid Ap to tidy up the aftermath. He brought the four beings back to life; however, because he lacked understanding of time, he mistakenly placed the stormtroopers way back in history. Upon regaining consciousness, one of them, a navigator, came to the realization that they had been displaced eight thousand years into the past. They met their end long before the Battle of Yavin, leaving behind only a collection of bones, which Organa later found.

